
This document describes an informal roadmap for the future of the umoci project, in both technical and operational aspects. If you feel there is something missing from this document, feel free to contribute.

Improved API Design

One of the main goals of umoci is to act as a “defacto” implementation of the relevant image-spec interfaces. In particular, the oci/cas and oci/casext packages are perfect examples of the style of interface that would be incredibly reusable. In addition, the oci/cas/driver model allows for different backend implementations to be used as long as they provide the oci/cas.Engine interface.

However, at the moment several of the other packages in oci/ need some love in creating proper re-usable interfaces. There are many useful components in oci/layer (for example), but they are all hidden behind the top-level entrypoints that are used by umoci unpack and umoci repack. Other oci/ libraries have similar issues. This is arguably the highest priority item in this roadmap, as it is blocking the adoption of our oci/ libraries as well as making other refactors much harder to do.

Also note that the mutate/ package should also be reworked to provide a much cleaner interface (as well as providing support for proper nested handling). To be quite honest, I’m not actually sure if it handles the arbitrary nesting feature of 1.0.0-rc5 and later (and that’s an issue we need to resolve).

Arbitrary Tree Structures Interface

With the upgrade to 1.0.0-rc5 of the image-spec, it is now possible to have arbitrarily nested Index objects. This means that users may wish to create arbitrary tree structures, as well as interact with such structures. Noting that ultimately a user will just want to interact with a Manifest (at the end of the day), there are several things that need to be improved in the interface design.

  • When querying an image to get a Manifest, we need to have a “resolution” interface (which must also be operated in a non-interactive way) that allows for increasing the specificity when describing what manifest we are interested in. After applying and platform filters, we have to provide additional filtering and referencing support. Unfortunately it currently is not very clear how this is meant to work with an arbitrary image, or if it is expected the referencing will always be contextual for a particular image. In addition, there is no part of the spec that actually describes the algorithm for such referencing.

  • When replacing a Manifest, we just need to replace that manifest and all of the objects along the resolution path. Unfortunately, the last part of that requirement is quite complicated to deal with now that dereferencing has been punted to us (especially when it comes to the concept of creating a new tag for the modified object – should we therefore re-create the entire tree of the original “reference” and work from there?). Ultimately I feel it may be required to store the Manifest descriptor as well as the highest-level (from the index.json) descriptor so that umoci knows where to re-create the structure from.

  • When creating a new Manifest in an image, we need to be able to handle any arbitrary tree structure. Ultimately I think the only proper way of handling this will be to require the user to provide a specification-style description. I have toyed with the idea of automatically restructuring images as necessary (something that would be required if you wanted to avoid the creation of duplicate tags in the top-level image – something that I really would like to make sure happens) but it’s not clear if users will always want us to be maximally clever. Maybe we should provide that and in addition provide the specification-style interface for power users (then we have to figure out what happens if the two schemes clash or if the specification invalidates our own preferences).

I’m really hoping the above issues may be solvable through some sort of fancy algorithm (especially when it comes to resolving conflicts). Further research is required in this area.

An additional point to the above is that the current --image interface is quite ugly (mainly because I copied Docker’s referencing interface). We really should dispense with this and go straight to proper URI semantics with #partial tags being used to indicate In addition, I really would like --layout to no longer be necessary. Maybe if we made #partial tags required this would allow us to combine the two flags, though it would break the ability to have a “default” tag.

Direct mtree-from-layer Generation

Currently umoci generates its mtree(8) manifest from the real filesystem after the entire bundle has been extracted. This works well enough in practice (and actually guarantees us that a repack will contain an empty archive if we just did an unpack and nothing else). However, it has several issues.

  • With --rootless we do several tricks to make umoci unpack work as an unprivileged user. Many of the tricks don’t change how things are extracted (such as the whole pkg/unpriv trick), but there are several cases where we will intentionally incorrectly extract objects to avoid privilege errors. Examples of this include security.capabilities xattrs (which are currently not user namespace safe). In order for a from-layer system to work, we would need to modify the generated mtree(8) manifest so that it matches the on-disk state that we expect given what tricks we know we will employ.

  • In addition, binding the mtree(8) tricks to the layer representation will mean that any future improvements to the OCI image-spec (such as removing the need for linear archives) will result in far more complicated changes to umoci. However, if the generator is designed in an extensible fashion this should not be a huge deal.

Vincent Batts (the author of gomtree) has expressed interest in this sort of functionality, but I’m not entirely convinced that it will work as well as expected (especially given the enormous amount of special casing in go-mtree that already exists in order to implement tar archive support).