
umoci’s workflow is based around an unpack-repack cycle, with some separate configuration steps. Most users are going to be primarily using the unpack and repack subcommands for most uses of umoci.


Each image consists of a set of layers and a configuration that describes how the image should be used. umoci unpack allows you to take an image and extract its root filesystem and configuration into an runtime bundle. This bundle can be used by an OCI compliant container runtime to spawn a container, but also can be used directly by non-containers (as it is just a directory).

% sudo umoci unpack --image opensuse:42.2 bundle
% ls -l bundle
total 720
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   3247 Jul  3 17:58 config.json
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root    128 Jan  1  1970 rootfs
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 725320 Jul  3 17:58 sha256_8eac95fae2d9d0144607ffde0248b2eb46556318dcce7a9e4cc92edcd2100b67.mtree
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    270 Jul  3 17:58 umoci.json
% cat bundle/rootfs/etc/os-release
NAME="openSUSE Leap"
PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Leap 42.2"

You can spawn new containers with runc. If you make any changes to the root filesystem, you can create a new delta layer and add it to the image by repacking it.

% sudo runc run -b bundle ctr-name
sh-4.3# grep NAME /etc/os-release
NAME="openSUSE Leap"
sh-4.3# uname -n


After making some changes to the root filesystem of your extracted image, you may want to create a new delta layer from the changes. Note that the way you modified the image does not matter, you can create a container using the extracted root filesystem or just modify it directly.

umoci repack will create a derived image based on the image originally extracted to create the runtime bundle. Even if the original image has been “modified”, umoci repack will still use the original. Note that in this invocation, --image refers to the new tag that will be used to reference the modified image (which may be the same tag used to extract the original image). umoci repack does not work across different images – both the source and destination must be in the same image (and the original blobs must not have been garbage collected).

% echo "some change" > bundle/rootfs/my_change
% sudo umoci repack --image opensuse:new bundle
% sudo umoci unpack --image opensuse:new bundle2
% cat bundle2/rootfs/my_change
some change

Note that any changes to bundle/config.json will not change the image’s configuration. You can change an image’s configuration using the dedicated subcommand.


In order to change the configuration of an image, umoci config can be used. A full description of what each configuration option means is beyond the scope of this document, but you can read the spec for more information.

By default, umoci config will override the tag given with --image but you can force the change to create a new tag (leaving the original unchanged) with --tag.

% umoci config --author="Aleksa Sarai <>" --image opensuse

Note that both umoci config and umoci repack include entries in the history of the image. You can change what the history entry contains for a particular operation by using the --history. set of flags (for both umoci repack and umoci config).